Your home is an invaluable resource to you and your family. It is one of the greatest forms of safety as well as comfort, which is why having it insured is one of the greatest things you can do for it. Protect your family home from unforeseen circumstances. Get insured today to protect your home’s future. Let us show you how we can help.
Your home protects you, let us help protect it.
If we could borrow 10 minutes of your time we can get you a homewoners quote, and have options back to you in the same day. Our ability to quickly quote, provide affordable coverage and our first class service will make your insurance shopping experience a breeze. As with all of our other products, we make sure you are getting the best price for the coverage you need. Our expert staff is able to answer any and all questions that you may have. You will not only leave with a policy in hand, but with a better understanding of what that policy actually does for you.
Looking for even more savings? Then we can help bundle your home and auto together. By having your home & auto together isn't only a potential money saver but is convenient as well. We will present you with the best options available and bundle or not, we are here to get you the best coverage at the best price. To learn more specifically about auto insurance click here.
Most insurance coverage can often be confusing and frustrating, but it doesn't have to be. If you don't feel like speaking with us right away we have provided below some general concepts about homeowners insurance and the common coverages that are offered. If you have a mortgage, your mortgage company will most likely require coverage for the home. Just because it is required doesn't mean it will be expensive. In the grand scheme of things an insurance policy is inexpensive in comparison to your home and everything in it. The information provided here is only a guide, always remember to refer to your policy for specific details and refer to the policy language issued by your insurance company. Only your policy can accurately describe the coverages afforded to you.
Dwelling Coverage
The main reason anyone gets homeowners insurance is to protect your biggest investment, your home. Dwelling coverage is just what it sounds like, protection for the structure of your home in the event of a claim caused by a covered loss. It not only covers damage to home itself, but also any attached structures such as a deck or porch.
Other Structures
This coverage affords any other structures on the property coverage as well. Typically this includes a shed, fence or detached garage. The amount of coverage here is typically a percentage of your building coverage or dwelling amount.
Personal Property
Getting a homeowners policy with personal property coverage will help to protect your personal property or your belongings. For example your computer, tv, couch, your favorite lamp, etc. Your policy may cover a loss caused by weather, fire, theft or vandalism. Take inventory on your belongings to find out what their worth to make sure you have enough coverage.
Medical Payments
This coverage comes into play when someone is injured on your property regardless of fault. It could also afford coverage if the event that you as the homeowner or a family member is hurt else where. This amount of coverage is usually between $1,000 and $10,000 and comes at a nominal expense.
Personal Liability
Personal liability is financial protection from accidental injury or damage to visitors or other property while in your home or on your property, caused by personal activities or caused by children or pets. For example if someone accidentally trips and falls in your home and is seriously injured your homeowners policy could provide coverage. It is always a good idea to have insurance coverage to be protected from the unknown.
Some policies are subject to a deductible which means in the event of a claim you are responsible for the amount described on your policy before the total loss amount. Don't Worry! If you have a deductible they are typically not that high with the amounts typically starting at $500.